Gator100 honoree 2021
The Department of Physical Therapy is pleased to honor alumna and business owner Melissa Cere who has been named to the University of Florida’s Gator100 for 2021. The awards program recognizes the world’s fastest-growing Gator-owned businesses. We asked Dr. Cere to share some of her business insights.
Message from the Director
Welcome all to the Fall Edition of the Gator PT. I hope you are doing well and that this upcoming holiday season will be one of joy for you and your family. As we begin looking ahead towards the new year, I want to glance back at the positive outcomes…
DPT students in Children on the Go REACH group adapt to new virtual environment
Children on the Go Leadership Team DPT c/o 2022. Back row (L to R): Sarah Davis, Angelina Castelli, Abigail Jones, Shelby Mahaz. Front row (L to R): KK Huffman, Jeanna Heater, Courtney Hersch. University of Florida Doctor of Physical Therapy students participate in community engagement activities across the curriculum, providing…