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Schack-Dugré elected to Chair ACAPT Leadership Academy Oversight Committee

Judi Schack-Dugré, PT, DPT, MBA, EdD, FNAP, Director of Clinical Education for the Doctor of Physical Therapy program, has been elected to Chair the American Council of Academic Physical Therapy (ACAPT) Leadership Academy’s (ALA) Oversight Committee. ACAPT is dedicated to excellence in physical therapist education programs as…

Schack-Dugre appointed to ACAPT Leadership Academy Oversight Committee

Judi Schack-Dugré, PT, DPT, MBA, EdD, Director of Clinical Education for the Doctor of Physical Therapy program, has been selected to serve on the American Council of Academic Physical Therapy (ACAPT) Leadership Academy’s (ALA) Oversight Committee. ACAPT is dedicated to excellence in physical therapist education programs as a whole and…