The Department of Physical Therapy, located within the College of Public Health and Health Professions, consists of a dynamic and growing faculty dedicated to excellence in education, research, and service. The Department is committed to:
- Preparing entry-level students to become practitioners of evidence-based physical therapy
- Training Ph.D. students to perform basic science and clinical research
- Advancing the science of physical therapy and rehabilitation through innovative interdisciplinary research, and professional and community service
The Department was founded 60 years ago, training students to provide rehabilitation to patients with polio and veterans from both World War I and II. Building on our legacy, our goal both then and now is to train innovative and engaged physical therapists with a passion and dedication that exemplifies the Gator Nation.
We pride ourselves in our entry-level professional educational program, which is ranked sixth in the nation for Public Graduate Programs by U.S. News and World Report. Our success is in the excellence and empathy of our graduates, the impact of our clinical and research partnerships and in our collective goal to advance rehabilitation every day.
The mission of our professional program is:
- To prepare students to become physical therapists that embrace evidence-based physical therapy practice, meet the multifaceted health needs of patients, consumers, and society, and participate in professional and community service. To fulfill this mission we create a stimulating and collaborative environment that promotes education, research, service, and leadership.
The Department’s faculty is nationally and internationally known for their areas of expertise, which include neurorehabilitation, musculoskeletal rehabilitation, exercise physiology, neurophysiology, musculoskeletal imaging, pediatrics and cardiopulmonary rehabilitation. Their expertise is felt within the community near and far, through service programs and clinics where students are able to develop skills while also fostering a spirit of humanity and compassion.
I am truly excited to serve as Chair of such an innovative group of faculty eager to be at the foreground of physical therapy and rehabilitation science. Our goal is to inspire, innovate and lead our students to become compassionate and community-minded life-long learners. If you are interested in our Doctor of Physical Therapy program, please check out our upcoming Open House events. If you are interested in the science of rehabilitation, please visit the Rehabilitation Science Ph.D. page. Thank you and I hope to hear from you!
Krista Vandenborne, PhD
Distinguished Professor and Chair
Department of Physical Therapy