National Suicide Prevention Week

National Suicide Prevention Week is an annual campaign to inform and engage about suicide prevention and warning signs of suicide. This year the University of Florida Counseling and Wellness Center (CWC) is holding a number of virtual events, such as online presentations, activities and sharing information on their social media channels.

Below are resources offered by the UF CWC:

  • From Tuesday (9/7) through Thursday (9/9), you are cordially invited to FRESH CHECK DAY, a virtual mental health fair they are offering in partnership with the Jordan Porco Foundation.
  • On Friday, 9/10 from 1-2:30pma QPR Suicide Prevention Training will be offered – Join on Zoom (and enroll) in their QPR Suicide Prevention Training. Learn more about the training.

The CWC encourages you to check out their resources listed below and participate in Kognito Online Training, to learn effective techniques to help others.



  • 9:00am – “Grounding & Earthing Techniques” – Watch on YouTube for grounding and earthing techniques to support emotional regulation and stress relief.
  • 11:00-11:30am – “It Takes a Village” – Join them on Zoom (RSVP here) and learn about campus resources in a fun way and join us for a Kahoot quiz game. Winners get CWC goodie bags!
  • All Day – “Elephant in the Room” – Contribute to their collaborative Kudoboard, and name the stigmas in life that contribute to suicide through isolation and shame.


  • 9:00am – “Wellness/Self-Care Strategies: Illustrating Quotes” – Watch on YouTube to learn techniques for illustrating your favorite quotes as a wellness strategy.
  • 10:00-10:20am – “Nine Out of Ten” – Join them on Instagram Live (@ufcwc) and learn about myths, facts, warning signs, and action steps to support suicide prevention.

The CWC offers a number of related resources for you to to inform yourself about suicide prevention and how to recognize the warning sides of suicide. Please be sure to check out their website if you have any questions.