The UF Doctor of Physical Therapy’s Clinical Education team recently selected the Rolf and Anne Kuhns Endowment for PT Scholarship award recipient. Each year the team meets to review student performance during their first clinical experience as well as in clinical labs and discusses potential candidates for the scholarship award.
This year, the team selected Victoria “Tori” Wyche as the recipient of the Kuhns scholarship award for the UF DPT class of 2022 for demonstrating consistent outstanding performance in her first full-time clinical experience, and for showing promise as a future clinician of excellence. The Clin Ed team also took into consideration Tori’s demonstration of consistent professional behavior and empathy toward patients, peers, coworkers, and faculty and staff.
“To me, clinical excellence means showing up every day ready to challenge myself and learn as much as possible,” Tori said. “I am grateful for all that I have gained from my clinical experience and I am so thankful to the Kuhns for supporting UF DPT students and recognizing me for my hard work.”
Rolf and Anne Kuhns established the Endowment for PT Scholarship fund in 2006 and have been steadily supporting and promoting clinical excellence in UF DPT students since. The scholarship fund is a way for the Kuhns to pay it forward – they both graduated from the University of Florida debt-free thanks to scholarships they received from UF alumni. Rolf is a 1972 graduate of the UF Physical Therapy program and Anne graduated with a bachelor’s degree in music education in 1969 and was the first UF student to graduate with a master’s degree focused on computer science in education.
Thanks to Rolf and Anne Kuhns’ generous support through the years to the College of Public Health and Health Professions and Department of Physical Therapy, students like Tori can receive the recognition that encourages them to become forward-thinking clinical learners.
“I am so thankful for what I have learned in my clinical experience and for my instructors, peers, and family that have supported me along the way,” Tori said. “This award inspires me to give back to the university in the future to support students as the Kuhns have supported me.”