Judi Schack-Dugre, PT, DPT, MBA, EdD, Director of Clinical Education, collaborated with directors of clinical education from four other Doctor of Physical Therapy programs in Florida to investigate and compare the perceptions of users for two validated student clinical assessment tools – Clinical Internship Evaluation Tool (CIET) and the Clinical Performance Instrument (CPI). The study, entitled “Student and clinical instructor perceptions comparing the CIET and CPI,” occurred during the final terminal clinical experience for the Class of 2020.
While the presence of COVID impacted the data collection, UF was able to collect data and fulfill the study criteria through the final clinical assessment and two other universities collected data through the mid-term assessment.
The results of this study comparing students’ and their clinical instructors’ perceptions of the two instruments will be shared at the APTA Educational Leadership Conference (ELC) in October as a panel platform presentation.